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Review Policy

Since WHY I LIKE BASEBALL’s inception in 1999, we have always talked about baseball books. Sometimes in full reviews, sometimes in mentions, sometimes in the context of what I’m reading, sometimes purchasing as gifts for other people (like my dad), and so on.

We are happy to accept promotional copies, ARCs, bound galleys, and finished books for mention and review. At the very least, I normally give a mention of thanks with a description of the book if I don’t think I will get to reviewing it in a timely fashion.

Review copies and materials should be sent to:
39 Hurlbut St.
Cambridge, MA 02138

Any copies or materials not retained in the reviewer’s collection will be donated to our local chapter of SABR (Society for American Baseball Research), which is a non-profit 501(c)(3).

We have occasionally reviewed other materials or products, too, including T-shirts, hats, web sites, etc. We’re baseball fans, and the site is for baseball fans, so if we enjoy something, we’ll pass the word. Reviews or mentions usually note the source (i.e. whether we bought the product ourselves or whether it was a free sample). The full FTC-required “disclosure policy statement” for WILBB can be found here.

Other promo opportunities

We also run Q&A interviews with authors and are happy to run “guest blogs” written by authors promoting their books, as well as serializing authorized samples. If interested in pursuing these content-based promo opportunities, please contact editor Cecilia Tan at ctan.writer *at* gmail dot com.